Bank Loan Analysis

Metrics And Dimensions

  • Total Loan Applications:  
    Number of applications received, classified as good or bad.

  • Total Funded Amount:  
    The total amount of money funded through loans, segregated by good and bad applications.

  • Total Amount Received:  
    The total amount of money repaid, with a breakdown by good and bad applications.

  • Average Interest Rate:  
    The average rate of interest applied to the loans.

  • Average Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI):  
    The average ratio of a borrower's debt payments to their income.

  • Profit and Loss:  
    The net profit and loss from loan applications, broken down by good and bad applications.

Summary of Insights

  • Total Loan Applications:  
    A total of 38.6K loan applications were received, with 86.18% (33.2K) classified as good and 13.82% (5.3K) as bad.

  • Total Funded Amount:  
    The bank funded $435.8 million, with $370.2 million from good applications and $65.5 million from bad applications.

  • Total Amount Received:  
    The bank received $473.1 million, with $435.8 million from good loans and $37.3 million from bad loans.

  • Average Interest Rate and DTI:  
    The average interest rate across the loans was 12.05%, and the average DTI was 13.33%.

  • Profit and Loss:  
    The bank made a profit of $65.6 million from good loan applications and incurred a loss of $28.2 million from bad applications, leading to a net profit of $37.4 million.

Recommendations and Next Steps

  • Enhance Risk Assessment:  
    Implement more rigorous screening criteria for loan applications to reduce the percentage of bad loans, which are currently leading to significant losses.

  • Optimize Interest Rate Strategies:  
    Consider adjusting interest rates to better align with the risk profiles of borrowers. Analyzing the impact of different interest rate levels on profit could guide more effective pricing strategies.

  • Improve Loan Portfolio Management:  
    Leverage insights from the DTI and other metrics to refine customer targeting and personalize loan offers. This could enhance the profitability of the loan portfolio.

  • Data Quality Improvement:  
    Invest in better data collection and management practices to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the dataset. This would facilitate more precise analysis and reliable recommendations in the future.

  • Actionable Insights Implementation:  
    Translate the findings into operational strategies by working closely with the risk management and marketing teams to implement these recommendations effectively.

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